Princess Rapunzel of Corona is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Animation Studios' 50th animated feature film Tangled (2010) and its sequel Tangled Ever After (2012). In both appearances, Rapunzel is voiced by recording artist and actress Mandy Moore. During the beginning of Tangled, a young Rapunzel is voiced by child actress Delaney Rose Stein.



Flynn Rider

Flynn Rider

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Flynn Rider, Rapunzel, Pascal, and Maximus

Flynn Rider, Rapunzel, Pascal, and Maximus

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Maximus the horse

Maximus the horse

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Rapunzel & Flynn Rider

Rapunzel & Flynn Rider

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Rapunzel and Pascal

Rapunzel and Pascal

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Rapunzel best friend Pascal the chameleon

Rapunzel best friend Pascal the chameleon

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Tangled Pub Thugs

Tangled Pub Thugs

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Tangled Rapunzel

Tangled Rapunzel

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Tangled Rapunzel & Mom Gothel

Tangled Rapunzel & Mom Gothel

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews