Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American computer-animated action comedy martial arts film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb, and stars the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, David Cross, Ian McShane, Randall Duk Kim, James Hong, Dan Fogler, and Michael Clarke Duncan. Set in a version of ancient China populated by anthropomorphic talking animals, the plot revolves around a bumbling panda named Po who aspires to be a kung fu master. When an evil kung fu warrior is foretold to escape from prison, Po is unwittingly named the chosen one destined to bring peace to the land, much to the chagrin of the resident kung fu warriors.

Kung Fu Panda 1

Kung Fu Panda 1

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda 2

Kung Fu Panda 2

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda 3

Kung Fu Panda 3

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda 4

Kung Fu Panda 4

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda 5

Kung Fu Panda 5

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda 6

Kung Fu Panda 6

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda 7

Kung Fu Panda 7

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
1 reviews
Kung Fu Panda Master Croc

Kung Fu Panda Master Croc

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda Mr.Ping 1

Kung Fu Panda Mr.Ping 1

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda Shen 1

Kung Fu Panda Shen 1

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda's Shifu Green 1

Kung Fu Panda's Shifu Green 1

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda's Tigress 1

Kung Fu Panda's Tigress 1

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kung Fu Panda's Tigress 2

Kung Fu Panda's Tigress 2

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews