Lilo & Stitch is a 2002 American animated science fiction comedy-drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 21, 2002. The 42nd animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, it was written and directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, and features the voices of Sanders, Daveigh Chase, Tia Carrere, David Ogden Stiers, Kevin McDonald, Ving Rhames, Jason Scott Lee, and Kevin Michael Richardson. Lilo & Stitch was the second of three Disney animated features produced primarily at the Florida animation studio located at Walt Disney World's Hollywood Studios in Orlando, Florida. The film received positive reviews and was nominated for the 2002 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, which ultimately went to Hayao Miyazaki's film, Spirited Away, which also starred Daveigh Chase and David Ogden Stiers.


Captain Gantu

Captain Gantu

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
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Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Disney Lilo and Stitch

Disney Lilo and Stitch

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Lilo Pelekai

Lilo Pelekai

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Lilo Pelekai 1

Lilo Pelekai 1

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Lilo Pelekai 2

Lilo Pelekai 2

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Nani and Lilo Pelekai

Nani and Lilo Pelekai

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews