High School Musical is a 2006 American teen/children's romantic comedy musical television film and the first installment in the High School Musical trilogy. Upon its release on January 20, 2006, it became the most successful film that Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) ever produced, with a television sequel High School Musical 2 released in 2007 and the feature film High School Musical 3: Senior Year released to theaters in October 2008. It is the first Disney Channel Original Movie to have a theatrical sequel. The film's soundtrack was the best-selling album in the United States for 2006.


Chad Danforth

Chad Danforth

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Chad Danforth 2

Chad Danforth 2

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Gabriella Montez

Gabriella Montez

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Kelsi Nielsen

Kelsi Nielsen

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Ryan Evans

Ryan Evans

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Ryan Evans 1

Ryan Evans 1

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Sharpay Evans

Sharpay Evans

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Taylor McKessie

Taylor McKessie

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Taylor McKessie 2

Taylor McKessie 2

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Zac Efron

Zac Efron

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Zac Efron 1

Zac Efron 1

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Zac Efron 3

Zac Efron 3

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews
Zac Efron 4

Zac Efron 4

Light iron-on transfers, perfect to make light garments! Thin and lightweight and made of...
0 reviews